Itching To Know How To Get Rid of Head Lice?

Itching To Know How To Get Rid of Head Lice?

If you have school aged children, it is almost a certainty that you will become an expert in treating head lice.We aren’t going to lie…its not an especially fun job whatever the method. But it can be made “okay”, and even a bit of a bonding opportunity with a few simple tips. Now let's get into the the nitty-gritty and stop those little beast in their tiny tracks. 


What's the best head lice treatment?

Most head lice treatments use a combination of a smothering ingredient and a stunning/killing ingredient. The smothering ingredient is usually silicone and the stunning ingredients can either be an insecticide or natural essential oils. Both have shown very good efficacy in many studies however, essential oils can be quite concentrated. Because children have sensitive skin and are sensitive to smells, this can make the experience very unpleasant. Insecticides don’t have the smell but…well..are insecticides.

To better align with our environmental and ingredient philosphy we use natural oils Instead of silicones. And for our stunning/ killing ingredient we use a blend of essential oils combined with an ingredient that helps the oils penetrate the little critters exoskeleton. That way we can use a lot lower concentration so that it doesn’t irritate scalps and noses. Our head lice treatment is made with a subtle, pleasant scent that kids won’t hate, and gives no tell-tale signs of lice treatment (aka Tea Tree Oil!), so you won’t have to deal with the judge-y faces at after-school pick-up. 

Our killer head lice treatment ‘Head Lice & Eggs Destroyer Kit’ takes all the pain and annoying hassle away from the process and, not to brag, but we’ve even managed to make it fun. It’s natural, pain-free and mums and dads swear by it across the country. 


Superman, Superwoman and the SuperNit

These three are nit only (whoopsies) *not only, very popular amongst children but they are all almost indestructible. In-fact, if bets were going for a fight between Superman and a SuperNit, I’d put my money on the louse. You see, the “super nit” is a new breed of head lice that have adapted to the chemicals we used to kill them off – how sneaky of them. They’re much more stubborn and persistent than their mortal ancestors (a perfect example of evolution in action) and if it wasn’t for their disgusting and inconvenient presence, we’d be impressed by their tenacity! Yes, the “super nit” is a survivor (singing Destiny’s Child in our heads) …but even Superman had kryptonite.


Why trust us when it comes to nits?

MooGoo’s founder and father of three beautiful girls had the joy of combing head lice out of his children’s hair for years! Unimpressed with the ineffective and often harsh treatments available, he decided to create his own, one that is comfortable, gentle, not smelly, and extremely effective.


What ingredients are in it?

We use natural and non-damaging ingredients such as Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Rosemary Oil, Eucalyptus, and Lavender to name a few. We make sure we don’t use harsh chemicals like insecticides and overuse essential oils. And instead use our unique delivery sytem that penetrates the excoskeletons of head lice more effectively. No brittle, dry, and damaged hair here, please!


What comes in the kit?

The kit includes a Nick Off Nits Cream to cover the head and scalp to stun the lice. A stun-ning cow-print shower cap, (yes, you read that right, we said cow print) to allow the cream to soak in and finally, the head lice comb to trap and drag nits from the hair. The only thing we don’t provide is the nits themselves. It seems your kids take care of that part just fine.


How easy is it to use?

Head lice removal can be a stressful and tedious process, but just remember, sure, they’re annoying, relentless, and really small, but at the end of the day they are your children and you find a way to love them (just kidding!). Here’s how to combat those insatiable gremlins…we’re talking about the head lice this time.

Step 1: Stun the lice by applying the Nick of Nits Cream directly to dry and detangled hair, enough to cover all hair from root to tip. Lather it on like it's going out of style.

Step 2: Stun your friends and neighbours and cover the scalp with the stylish shower cap. The shower cap even has cow horns. Sit back and relax for 10 minutes. 

Step 3: Section the hair using a regular comb and then using the MooGoo Head Lice Comb, comb through each section at least 5 times from root to tip. Be sure to wipe the comb clean every time you comb through because they’re quick buggers and they can run back into the hair if given the chance.

Step 4: Next, blow-dry the hair. Blow drying the hair is like an egg-killing heat ray! (I’ve always wanted one of those!?) Be sure to check the base of the neck and behind the ears as head lice run to these spots when they are faced with a heat ray.

Step 5: It’s recommended to use it at least once every 5 days for the next 10 days. And lastly

Step 6: Pat yourself on the back for a job well done, you did amazing. Your technique? Flawless. Your patience and level-headedness? Unmatched. You child’s hair? Clean, fresh, and tenant-free. Well done!

Some tips from veteran mums who have been there (more than a few times) 

  1. Don’t trust the “one treatment” promise. The reality is that if you miss one little tiny egg, and don’t follow up, then you have a full infestation a few weeks later. A quick check after a week is better to find those one or two lice that may have hatches.
  2. Apply the cream from the bottom up. Lice run away from the cream while they can. Then comb from the bottom up so you're chasing lice up the hair and onto the scalp and forehead where they are more easily seen.
  3. Screen-time! We are all for limiting screen time. But you need your child to sit still for about half an hour. If you have a method other than shoving an i-pad in their line of sight, all power to you! For this parent, nit time is screen time and everyone wins.
  4. Its not so bad. It is bonding at its most primitive!

Just a few more tips! Wash all bed linens, stuffed animals, and clothing used during the 2 days before treatment. Vacuum carpets and any upholstered furniture in your home or car. Soak hair-care items like combs, barrettes, hair ties, headbands, and brushes in hot water or throw them away. And never say “it’s up to you” to your hairdresser.

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