2025 MooGoo Postgraduate Cancer Nursing Scholarship

MooGoo Skin Care has partnered with the Cancer Nurses Society of Australia (CNSA) and is proud to announce the 2025 MooGoo Postgraduate Cancer Nursing Scholarship.

Launching on the 11th of March, 2025, the MooGoo Postgraduate Cancer Nursing Scholarship will award $30,000 in prize money to postgraduate cancer nurse students (3x $10,000 prizes) to further enhance the education of the cancer nursing workforce in Australia. As part of the scholarship, CNSA will support the successful recipients with CNSA membership and free registration for Congress in June 2025. Successful recipients will be announced at the CNSA Congress.

The selection of winners (3x postgraduate cancer nursing students) is dependent upon completing a short 800-1000 word essay and meeting eligibility criteria. Details of eligibility are outlined below. All applicants must complete the essay and supply the required information by the closing date listed below.

Assessment Process

Entries will be assessed by a panel of judges including Gillan Blanchard (Cancer Nurse Practitioner and CNSA Board Director), Gemma McErlean (Associate Professor, CNSA Board Director), Jemma Still (CNSA Executive Officer), Craig Jones (Founder, MooGoo Skin Care) and Melissa Lewis (Head of Medical Partnerships, MooGoo Skin Care).

Eligibility Criteria

All submissions must meet the following requirements:

The applicant must complete a short 800-1000 word essay answering the question:

“How will your future career help to enhance the lives of those undergoing cancer treatment?”

Within the essay, the applicant is required to:

1. State the professional outcomes you intend to achieve by participating in the proposed activity and outline how you will demonstrate these outcomes

2. Outline what you will do with the scholarship funds if successful (ie: study / professional development/research)

Shortlisted applicants will be required to provide proof of current certification or enrolment in a postgraduate Cancer Nursing program within 12 months of receiving the scholarship.

Application Process

Please note the important dates in the application process:

1. Applications open from 9:00AM AEDT 11th March 2025. Enter by clicking the below ENTER NOW button and completing the Entry Form.

2. Entries close at 11:59pm (AEST) on 11th April 2025. Entries received after this date will not be considered.

3. Successful recipients will be notified by 15th May 2025.

4. Email scholarships@moogoo.com.au if you have any further questions.

We encourage you to plan for attendance at the CNSA & ICCN Annual Congress to be formally recognised if you are successful in receiving this scholarship. The Congress will run from 18-21st June 2025 at the Adelaide Convention Centre (www.cnsacongress.com.au). Please have a chat with your Manager about your application so they are aware of this element of the submission and can look at rostering support. 

Meet Our 2024 Winners!


“16 years ago I commenced my nursing career after a career change to better suit my family. After about 4 years of consolidating my skills and experiencing the vast array of nursing roles, cancer care nursing grabbed my attention.

I had just relocated from the suburbs of Adelaide and saw first-hand the inequities in the health care rural cancer patient experience. This was the origin of my passion to establish and build a cancer care service that provides care as close to home as safely possible for my community. I have spent the last 12+ years advocating for appropriate service provision which has ensured the service has continually developed in line with the needs of my community.

Originally established to support just a handful of oncology patients, the current service provides nursing and specialist medical care to hundreds of local oncology and haematology patients. The service was the first in SA to transition the chemotherapy unit from a low to moderate chemotherapy unit and was nominated for an SA Health award. The clinical team has received awards and commendations for clinical excellence and service to the community over the years.

As a Nurse Consultant- Cancer Care Coordinator I have completed my Master of Nursing - Advanced Practice and I am now completing my Master of Nurse Practitioner to further enhance and develop the cancer care services available to patients of the Fleurieu Peninsula South Australia."


"My name is Martina O'Neill, I am currently a Nurse Practitioner Candidate (NP in training) at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital within The Adem Crosby Centre, I have a special interest in Upper Gastrointestinal cancers - specifically Oesophageal Cancers.

The prevalence of UGI cancers is increasing exponentially and remains a malignancy that very much needs new treatment breakthroughs. I am incredibly honoured and privileged to have the opportunity to care and improve the cancer treatment trajectory for this cancer cohort.

The support of the MooGoo Nursing Scholarship will facilitate the completion of my Master of Nursing Practitioner and enable the opportunity to explore and expand research opportunities that will enhance the care and treatment of UGI patients."


"My name is Natasha Keir and I’m a Nurse Practitioner in Breast Oncology for GenesisCare. I was inspired to establish a nurse practitioner led Breast Cancer Wellness Clinic in Queensland to provide ongoing supportive care to people with breast cancer and their families.

I have regular consultations with patients during their first-year post treatment, to not only assist them transition out of acute care but also help with the management of side effects. Issues with sexual health and intimacy is one of the long term adverse effects of breast cancer treatment.

With the generous scholarship provided by MooGoo, I will be undertaking further post graduate studies in this area, so that I can gain the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively counsel and provide comprehensive sexual health care to the patients I have the privilege in supporting."


"I serve as Australia’s first dedicated Pleural Clinical Nurse Consultant in Australia and work within the Pleural Medicine Unit at Northern Hospital in Victoria. Recognizing the profound impacts of cancer and the existing gaps in care, I have dedicated my career to enhancing the lives of those with malignant pleural disease, a particularly disabling and burdensome condition. With the generous support of the MooGoo scholarship, I am pursuing a Master of Nurse Practitioner degree, which I will complete in mid-2025.

Pursuing the Nurse Practitioner degree will allow me to further develop my clinical expertise and research capabilities, enabling me to work at the top of my scope and bridge the gap between evidence and practice. I envision playing a pivotal role in the healthcare system, driving initiatives to improve cancer care delivery, enhance patient outcomes, and promote health equity. My ultimate goal is to prioritize dignity, autonomy, and quality of life, thereby significantly improving outcomes for individuals living with cancer."


Julie-Ann Martin is an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Outreach Nurse Consultant at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (PMCC), and Monash Health. Currently she is completing a Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (Nurse Practitioner [NP]) at the University of Melbourne (UOM), and a NP Candidacy at PMCC. Julie-Ann’s focus is on the early recognition and response to acute changes in the clinical condition of critically ill patients ‘within and beyond intensive care’.

She has a keen interest in the delivery of analytical, evidenced-based, and patient-centred compassionate care. Most discernible is her advocacy and promotion of delirium care for critically ill patients, and the use of point-of-care cardiac and lung ultrasounds for differentiating major pathologies shock states and care, in emergency situations.

As a successful recipient of the MooGoo scholarship, the benevolent funds will assist Julie-Ann to complete further ultrasound training to strengthen her knowledge, skills, confidence, and capacity to perform and interpret diagnostic ultrasound images in critically ill cancer patients at PMCC. The MooGoo Scholarship acknowledges and commends her aspirational commitment and enduring service to the needs of critically ill patients.

MooGoo Postgraduate Cancer Nursing Scholarship

Successful Recipient Report

Successful recipients will be required to complete a recipient report on the outcome of scholarship activity including a breakdown of financial expenses within 2 months of receiving the scholarship award.

In this form, you will be asked to provide:

• A brief description of the professional development activity completed

• A summary of the outcomes of your participation and how your specified objectives were met or are progressing

• How the information you gained from the activity has been disseminated

• Any relevant recommendations or outcomes from the completion of the activity

• Supporting expense documentation.

If you have any further questions please email scholarships@moogoo.com.au 

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Terms & Conditions - MooGoo Postgraduate Cancer Nursing Scholarship Student Scholarship

Applications must be received on this form and address all questions and selection criteria.

Applications must be entirely your own work and created individually. It should not include any plagiarised content, whether it is from a third party or any source. We reserve the right to verify the originality of your submission through appropriate plagiarism detection tools. If any part of your application is found to be plagiarised, it may be disqualified, and you may be subject to further action as deemed necessary.

MooGoo Skin Care reserves the right to not make an offer of an award in 2025.

MooGoo Skin Care Awards Committee will undertake assessment of all applications and their decision will be final.

Applications are competitive and MooGoo Skin Care reserves the right to withdraw the award should conditions not be satisfied.

Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

The scholarship is open to any Australian resident who is currently enrolled and participating in any tertiary course related to the field of postgraduate cancer nursing or who intends to enroll and agrees to provide proof of enrolment within 12 months of receiving scholarship funds. The scholarship is not affiliated with any tertiary institution.

Applicants must complete a short essay answering the question: “How will your future career help to enhance the lives of those undergoing cancer treatment”. There is a word limit of 800-1000 words. Applicants must detail how the $10,000 scholarship award will be      applied against their ongoing study (such as undertaking further study, training or conference attendance).

There will be up to three (3) successful applicants, who will each receive the sum of $10,000 that is to be used for further study, training, conference attendance etc. Successful applicants are required to provide an Australian bank account details for payment of          the scholarship sum. Payment shall be made within 30 days of the announcement of successful applicants.

Previous recipients are not eligible.

Successful applicants are required to provide a brief biography and picture of themselves. 

Successful applicants are required to submit a brief report to MooGoo Skin Care within two months of being awarded the scholarship on how the scholarship has assisted with their studies. The report should be emailed to scholarships@moogoo.com.au.

MooGoo Skin Care should be acknowledged in any publication, social media post or presentation resulting from the scholarship award.

MooGoo Skin Care is to be acknowledged in any publication or presentation resulting from funding support.

MooGoo Skin Care reserves the right to publish information about the scholarship and successful applicants in their medium of choice.


Release of Information

MooGoo Skin Care will release information including your state/territory, and employer to the judging panel and the sponsor, CNSA. MooGoo Skin Care may also use de-identified information for the purposes of promoting and publicising the scholarships. Personal Information may be disclosed to a subsequent Administrator for the purposes of administering the scholarships such as; 

1. Name, address, contact details

2. Resume

You agree to be contacted to participate in any surveys that may be conducted by MooGoo Skin Care or a third party acting on behalf of MooGoo Skin Care to collect information relevant to your scholarship.       

Privacy Statement

MooGoo Skin Care is regulated by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), which protects the privacy of your personal information. The purpose of this Privacy Collection Notice is to let you know what information is collected about you and how the information is used by MooGoo Skin Care. MooGoo Skin Care takes all reasonable steps to protect personal information held in its possession against loss, unauthorised access, use, modification, disclosure or misuse.

Please click here to view MooGoo’s privacy collection notice.

By submitting this form you agree to these terms and conditions.

Tax Information

Where personal expenses are incurred in undertaking a scholarship award, the recipient should establish with the Australian Tax Office whether such expenses are deductible under the Australian Income Tax Law. MooGoo Skin Care cannot assist in providing any advice on any representations to the Commissioner of Taxation.